Since we want to import the Cisco IOSvL2 VM, select Cisco IOSvL2 in the Appliances section of the Marketplace, in order to download the cisco-iosvl2.gns3a template file:Īn appliance description is displayed. Select the appliance you want to download. Browse to and click the Marketplace menu item: You can also download the appliance template files from the GNS3 website using a web browser. (the appliance templates listed in C:\Program Files\GNS3\appliances) (The default installation directory in Windows is C:\Program Files\GNS3) Starting with GNS3 2.2.0, there are appliances included, in the GNS3 installation directory: The process is similar however for other operating systems such as Mac OS and Linux.īefore downloading the appliance from the GNS3 website, download and save the operating system for the appliance in your Downloads directory: In this guide, the Windows operating system is used. Because these are modified for virtual environment. So these will not work on hardware machine. For information about upgrading your switch by using a TFTP server or a web browser (HTTP), see the release notes. Configure GNS3 to use an additional remote server If you want to download Cisco switch IOS or IOU / IOL images: NOTE: These all below IOS are specifically designed and modified for GNS3 and EVE-NG. If you do not have access to a TFTP server, you can download a software image file directly to your PC or workstation by using a web browser (HTT P) and then by using Device Manager or Cisco Network Assistant to upgrade your switch.How to use applications with the GNS3 Web interface.

Install an appliance from the GNS3 Marketplace.