Chief architect knockdown drywall library
Chief architect knockdown drywall library

chief architect knockdown drywall library

1' CEO» i' _- H I h i Uhr“1 I Praise for Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach If you’re going to read only one book on software architecture, start with this one. Hope someone can enlighten me on this material list issue.J U ST E NOUGH SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE A RISK-DRIVEN APPROACH GEORGE FAIRBANKS FOREWORD BY DAVID GARLAN PM!” 4117- § 1¥E%k"-3#- I" A7. If I'm venturing into "new territory" in HD, I now save the plan, make changes and create a new version so I can go back to a checkpoint of sorts without losing a lot of work. I can't tell you how many plans were ruined by me making small changes and having the roof then go beserk with crazy angles all over the place. Then I was able to replicate the attic truss across the plan, even over the top of rooms that DID have a wall between them. I fixed that by eliminating a wall that was separating 2 rooms under the truss. I'm using attic trusses and kept getting an error about "no ceiling under the middle of the truss".

chief architect knockdown drywall library

Who would have thought that you use a Soffit (under Cabinet) to build an external wall covering? It works ok but took me a LONG time to find that (can't remember, either a tutorial video or forum post). For instance, I'm using Cultured Stone for part of the exterior facade. It's fairly easy to use once you get the hang of it, but I still scratch my head a lot trying to figure out how to do things. It's taken me a lot of hours to understand the nuances of this program. I also don't understand why Landscaping items appear in a Material List for a ROOM!?! I suppose there is a reason but it doesn't make sense. It's frustrating that I can't trust the material list and will be hand checking every component. My plan is pretty much complete and I am working with contractors for quotations. I have checked the material specs for both the interior walls and exterior walls to make sure that drywall is the selected material.

chief architect knockdown drywall library

I'm suspicious that the wall material doesn't appear in a room material list if it spans more than that one room. However the walls will definitely take more than 2 sheets as indicated on the material list. It appears that the ceiling of ~60 sq ft will take 2 4x8 sheets (64 sq ft). For instance, I have been working with a 10圆 closet and with different materials to see which ones actually end up in the material list. It does seem that I now have the ceilings calculating ok. I have done a lot of testing on a single room with room material lists, changing the ceiling and wall materials to see how that affects the material list. The drywall calculations for the plan did not seem close to being accurate, so I started looking at individual walls and rooms. I too am struggling with material lists, especially with drywall calculations.

Chief architect knockdown drywall library